Traducciones de calidad para usted y su negocio

Quality Translations for you and your business

Heim Translations


A Quality Translation

Quality doesn’t happen by chance.  Your business took much hard work and effort to produce its product.  Don’t waste this work by acquiring a poor translation.  Choose a translation professional whose native language is the language into which you are translating.  Ideally your translator would have both languages as his native tongue.

David Heim was born and raised in Lima, Peru.  The son of American parents, he grew up speaking both English and Spanish.  He has a B.A. degree from Cedarville University in Social Science. His experience includes post-graduate education, telecommunication, as well as translating educational texts, websites, for government agencies, and general translation.  He has also taught private English classes both in Peru and the United States.

David Heim

Contact Information:

Cell Phone+51 946-597-074

Office:        +51 (1) 437-0764



Translation: Getting it Right 
from the ATA (American Translators Association)


Getting It Right